Impact Of an EAP On Employee Retention

Impact Of an EAP On Employee Retention

High turnover rates for employees can be detrimental to any business. With the current climate of staff shortages, it’s imperative to offer your valued staff premium benefits and management tools to boost retention. In order to compete in today’s job market, offering...
Why you should invest in a Career Coach

Why you should invest in a Career Coach

Choosing a career coach is perhaps one of the most important decisions you can make. It helps you pinpoint what career pathway best suits you and how you can get there. We want to educate you on what career counselling is and answer the big question, does career...
What Should You Get From An EAP?

What Should You Get From An EAP?

To risk stating the obvious, a company’s success is inherently linked to how happy and productive its employees are. Promoting a healthy workplace environment is key to ensuring the longevity of each employee’s contentment, directly impacting quality of work while...